Struggeling to get your site more social with the Facebook plugins? Stop struggeling and use the Facebook Tools module for ExpressionEngine. With this module you can add easily Facebook plugins to your site in an eyewink. It supports both HTML5 and XFBML. All Facebook Events are registerd to Google Analytics if possible; eg subscribe`s.
Supported plugins
Comments, Follow, Like Box, Like Button, Recommendations Box, Send, fb:name, fb:profile-pic
Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements:
For every paid addon you need to validate your license in order to activate the module.
On a local environment, like *.dev
the license is valid for testing and building a new or existing sites.
For every other domain, you need to have a valid license.
Once installed, you will asked to enter your license key. When you entered a valid license you can hit the "Save license" button. This will start validating your license and will redirect you to to login into your account. You can also register a new account in this process.
Once logged in, you are asked to use your current account or to login with another one.
Using the current logged in account, the server will check all info related to your license and once valid, it will redirect you back to your site where you see either a success message or an error message.
This module is using a license field to check if the license for the module is valid or not. On you can check your license and add your valid domains.
In the Module CP you can enter then your license
When you enter a wrong license, the module will not work and it shows you an warning
Sometimes it happens that the license system says you have an invalid license. When this happens, make sure you have entered your domain url in your account, next to your license on
If this will not fix your license problem, please contact us on
First of all you have to add the {exp:fb_tools:init}
method in the <head>
of the page.
This method will add all necessary javascript and css to you page to get the plugin fully working.
See here the tags that the init function can accept.
After weve added the
initmethod to the
we can start adding the Facebook plugins.
This can be done by putting
{exp:fb_tools:plugin_name}` in your page.
Also make sure you setup a facebook developer account and add your api number in the settings cp.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the language code. e.g. en_US or nl_NL, Default to en_US
Must the user auth with the app?
To add some default tekst or loading icon before the app is loaded, use the default_text=""
. This parameter is available in every plugin
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
the width of the plugin in pixels. Minimum recommended width: 400px.
the number of comments to show by default. Default: 10. Minimum: 1
the color scheme for the button. Options: 'light', 'dark'
The order to use when displaying comments. Can be "social", "reverse_time", or "time". The different order types are explained
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
layout - there are three options.
specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (standard layout only)
the font to display in the plugin. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
the width of the plugin.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
the width of the plugin.
the height of the plugin in pixels. The default height varies based on number of faces to display, and whether the stream is displayed. With the stream displayed, and 10 faces the default height is 556px. With no faces, and no stream the default height is 63px.
specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (standard layout only)
specifies whether to display a stream of the latest posts from the Page's wall
specifies whether to display the Facebook header at the top of the plugin.
the border color of the plugin.
for Places, specifies whether the stream contains posts from the Place's wall or just checkins from friends. Default value: false.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
specifies whether to include a Send button with the Like button. This only works with the XFBML version.
layout - there are three options. Default to standaard
specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (standard layout only)
the width of the Like button.
the verb to display on the button. Options: 'like', 'recommend'
the font to display in the button. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
the font to display in the button. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Defaults to the current url.
a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
trigger - when the plugin expands. Note that this parameter is evaluated in addition to the read_time parameter. Default is when a user scrolls past the
The number of seconds before the plugin will expand. Default is 30 seconds. Minimum is 10 seconds.
The verb to display on the button. Options: 'like', 'recommend'
the side of the screen where the plugin will be displayed. This will automatically adjust based on the language, or can be set explicitly. Options: 'left', 'right'
a comma separated list of domains to show recommendations for. The default is the domain of the href parameter.
the number of recommendations to display. By default, this value is 2 and the maximum value is 5.
a limit on recommendation and creation time of articles that are surfaced in the plugins, the default is 0 (we don’t take age into account). Otherwise the valid values are 1-180, which specifies the number of days.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
a limit on recommendation and creation time of articles that are surfaced in the plugins, the default is 0 (we don’t take age into account). Otherwise the valid values are 1-180, which specifies the number of days.
a comma separated list of domains to show recommendations for. The default is the domain of the href parameter.
a comma separated list of actions to show activities for.
the width of the plugin in pixels. Default width: 300px.
the height of the plugin in pixels. Default height: 300px.
specifies whether to show the Facebook header. Default to yes
the font to display in the plugin. Options: 'arial', 'lucida grande', 'segoe ui', 'tahoma', 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana'
the border color of the plugin.
This specifies the context in which content links are opened. By default all links within the plugin will open a new window. If you want the content links to open in the same window, you can set this parameter to _top or _parent. Links to Facebook URLs will always open in a new window.
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
The ID of the user or Page whose name you want to show. Alternately, you can use profileowner only on a user's profile; you can use loggedinuser only on canvas pages.
Show only the user's first name. Default value is no
Link to the user's profile. Default value is yes
Show only the user's last name. Default value is no
Capitalize the text if useyou is true and loggedinuser is uid. Default value is yes
The Facebook ID of the subject of the sentence where this name is the object of the verb of the sentence. Will use the reflexive when appropriate. When subjectid is used, uid is considered to be the object and uid's name is produced.
Make the user's name possessive (e.g. Joe's instead of Joe). Default value is no.
Use yourself if useyou is yes. Default value is no.
Displays the primary educational network for the uid, if applicable. Other networks do not show. Default value is no.
Use you if uid matches the logged in user. Default value is yes.
Alternate text to display if the logged in user cannot access the user specified. To specify an empty string instead of the default, use ifcantsee="". Default value is Facebook User
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
The ID of the user or Page whose name you want to show. Alternately, you can use profileowner only on a user's profile; you can use loggedinuser only on canvas pages.
The size of the image to display. Default value is thumb. Other valid values are thumb (t) (50px wide), small (s) (100px wide), normal (n) (200px wide), and square (q) (50px by 50px). Or, you can specify width and height settings instead, as described below.
Make the image a link to the user's profile. Default value is yes
(For use with Facebook Connect only.) When set to true, it returns the Facebook favicon image, which gets overlaid on top of the user's profile picture on a site.
Specifies the desired width, in pixels, of the image (like an img tag).
Specifies the desired height, in pixels, of the image (like an img tag).
Get the total comments
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
The url
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above.
the URL for this Comments plugin. News feed stories on Facebook will link to this URL. Default to the current url.
The width of the plugin in pixels. Minimum recommended width: 400px. Default to 500
Selects one of the different layouts that are available for the plugin. Can be one of "box_count", "button_count", "button", "link", "icon_link", or "icon". default: icon_link