With the Maps Locator module your can convert your entries in searchable locations. The Module comes with a default 1 location fieldtype, but when you have installed the Maps Fieldtype, the module save the locations automatically from out your Maps fieltype. This way you can have multiple locations per enty.
Using the Maps Locator module is very easy and very powerfull to create for example a store locator. There are 2 options to do that;
What those 2 options does, is just saving your locations to a readable format (latlng) in your database. Later we can just use any method, that comes with the Maps locator module to get your result out of the database with the assigned entry.
Because we are using geocoding to get the right latlng, there is a limitation. The Maps Module will try to handle this very good, but it is not always working due some strict rules from Google. So keep in mind, that when you have 100 addresses or more, there is a change that not all addresses are saved correctly. (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/usage-limits)
When you add a latlng coordinate to your field, of if that is coming from the maps fieldtype
, Maps locator will try to reverse
geocode this latlng. Meaning that is searching for an address for this latlng. Most of the time this address is not on this location
and there for you will get a different latlng coordinate. If you are working with strict coordinates and you are sure that you have
entered a valid coordinate, you can disable this behaviour in the Maps Locator CP --> Reverse Geocode latlng
Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements:
This version is a major update that can only be installed on top of version 2.x or higher. See https://addons.reinos.nl/news/maps-suite-3
For every paid addon you need to validate your license in order to activate the module.
On a local environment, like *.dev
the license is valid for testing and building a new or existing sites.
For every other domain, you need to have a valid license.
Once installed, you will asked to enter your license key. When you entered a valid license you can hit the "Save license" button. This will start validating your license and will redirect you to addons.reinos.nl to login into your account. You can also register a new account in this process.
Once logged in, you are asked to use your current account or to login with another one.
Using the current logged in account, the server will check all info related to your license and once valid, it will redirect you back to your site where you see either a success message or an error message.
This module is using a license field to check if the license for the module is valid or not. On addons.reinos.nl you can check your license and add your valid domains.
In the Module CP you can enter then your license
When you enter a wrong license, the module will not work and it shows you an warning
Sometimes it happens that the license system says you have an invalid license. When this happens, make sure you have entered your domain url in your account, next to your license on addons.reinos.nl.
If this will not fix your license problem, please contact us on https://addons.reinos.nl/support
Migrate from the old Gmaps Data
to maps_locator
is very easy. In the maps_locator
CP section there is a page that called Migration
Here you can migrate the Database and the fieldtype data to the maps_locator
. After the migration you need to disable the Gmaps Data
module manual.
Converting the template tags is very easy, just search the name gmaps_data
and rename it to maps_locator
For example:
important: before starting, make sure you make a backup of your old data, in case of failure.
To get the location values from your entry.
{exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" entry_id="2"}
address: {your_field_type_name:address}<br>
postal_code: {your_field_type_name:postal_code}<br>
city: {your_field_type_name:city}<br>
country: {your_field_type_name:country}<br>
lat: {your_field_type_name:lat}<br>
lng: {your_field_type_name:lng}<br>
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used inside the tag described above.
Get the current searched location. (used with search_result
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
set the search_id hash. This way the module will get this hash instead of using the hash from the url.
Simply query your entry locations
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
the Langitude
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used inside the tag described above.
{exp:reinos_maps_locator:query country_code="nl"}
{if no_results}
No result
entry_id: {entry_id}<br>
lat: {lat}<br>
lng: {lng}<br>
city: {city}<br>
street_name: {street_name}<br>
street_number: {street_number}<br>
postal_code: {postal_code}<br>
country: {country}<br>
country_code: {country_code}<br>
Show locations based on a radius
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
set the type of metrics km
or mile
Order by is by radius
For use with the paging tags https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/templates/pagination.html
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used inside the tag described above.
{exp:reinos_maps_locator:radius location="amsterdam" radius="50"}
{if no_results}
No result
entry_id: {entry_id}<br>
radius: {radius}<br>
lat: {lat}<br>
lng: {lng}<br>
city: {city}<br>
street_name: {street_name}<br>
street_number: {street_number}<br>
postal_code: {postal_code}<br>
country: {country}<br>
country_code: {country_code}<br>
Search your location via user form
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
set the search_id hash. This way the module will get this hash instead of using the hash from the url.
set the type of metrics km
or mile
Give the channel(s) to search. separate with a pipeline (|) for multiple channels.
Set the location field name of your input field of your form. This will be used to search against the entries.
Set the radius max field name of your input field of your form.
Set the search type field, that hold the values. radius
the category field that holds the categories (names or ID) to select.
set the url of your result page
Set the entry status search.
When you want to search for more than one status, use a pipeline |
as separator
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used inside the tag described above.
the location value
the radius value
the search_type value
The Category id you are searching
If searching multiple categories, this holds a loop of data
<label>Location to search with (this location will be geocoded</label><br>
<input type="text" name="location_field" value="{location}"/>
<label>Radius (only uses when the search_type is set to 'radius')</label><br>
<select name="radius_field_max">
<option {if radius == 20}selected{/if} value="20">20</option>
<option {if radius == 50}selected{/if} value="50">50</option>
<option {if radius == 100}selected{/if} value="100">100</option>
<option {if radius == 5000}selected{/if} value="5000">5000</option>
<label>Search type</label><br>
<select name="search_type_field">
<option {if search_type == 'radius'}selected{/if} value="radius">Radius</option>
<option {if search_type == 'locality'}selected{/if} value="locality">Within a City</option>
<option {if search_type == 'admin_level'}selected{/if} value="admin_level">Within a state or province</option>
<option {if search_type == 'sub_locality'}selected{/if} value="sub_locality">Within a city_district</option>
<input type="submit"/>
Show your result from the search_form
Below are the Tag Parameters. Those parameters can be used in the tag described above
set the search_id hash. This way the module will get this hash instead of using the hash from the url.
Order by is by radius
For use with the paging tags https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/templates/pagination.html
Set the entry status search. This will override the default that has been set in the {exp:reinos_maps_locator:search_form}
When you want to search for more than one status, use a pipeline |
as separator
Below is a set of params that can be used when you need to show some default entries.
(If it returned no result, it will not trigger the no_result catch block)
Enable or disable the default results
Give the channel(s) to search. separate with a pipeline (|) for multiple channels.
Enter a location/address from where the search is started.
set the type of metrics km
or mile
Set the search type field, that hold the values. radius
Below are the Tag Variables. Those Variables can be used inside the tag described above.
indicates the number of order civil entity below the country level. Within the United States, these administrative levels are states. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.
{admin_level_1:name} // prints the first admin level, for us this is the state
{admin_level_2:name} // prints the second admin level, for us this is the state
{!-- include the Maps module and show a default map with the center on holland and a max zoom of 15 --}
{!-- (otherwise the zoom would be max when placing the markers)--}
{exp:maps:map address:center="holland" max_zoom="15"}
{if no_results}
No result
entry_id: {entry_id}<br>
radius: {radius}<br>
lat: {lat}<br>
lng: {lng}<br>
city: {city}<br>
street_name: {street_name}<br>
street_number: {street_number}<br>
postal_code: {postal_code}<br>
country: {country}<br>
country_code: {country_code}<br>
{!-- Data from the native maps_locator fieldtype --}
{exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" entry_id="{entry_id}"}
address: {maps_locator_test:address}<br>
postal_code: {maps_locator_test:postal_code}<br>
city: {maps_locator_test:city}<br>
country: {maps_locator_test:country}<br>
{!-- place markers with the Maps module --}
{maps:add_marker map:id="1" latlng="{lat},{lng}" fit_map="yes"}
Breaking changes See https://addons.reinos.nl/news/maps-suite-3
You need at least v2.0.0 or higher to upgrade to this version. Inside all v3.x.x releases, there is a v2.x.x. release. You can use this version to upgrade to the latest v2.x.x and after that upgrade you are good to go to update to v3.x.x. Remember, its just replacing files and hit the upgrade button. There is no other action required, it's that simple (but required).
Bugfix: where wrong logging service was called
for the {exp:reinos_maps_locator:search_result}
and the {exp:reinos_maps_locator:search_form}
tags (*Does an full reindex on update){absolute_results}
variable to the {exp:reinos_maps_locator:search_result}
to fetch the current searched location reinos_
due the release of the EE store (\Breaking changes)***Note: There is a change you will have to validate the license again
\Note:** Because the module has been renamed with a prefix reinos_
there is an update path
by simply add the new update to your site and install it. By installing the module, you are disabling the old module
that can be deleted afterward. Also note that you have to rename the module calls and hooks with a prefix reinos_
See this article about the rename https://addons.reinos.nl/news/modules-renamed
and {lng}
to the fieldtag